The Roar of Our Stars

Nature of the project: TRoOS is a story told in two main ways–graphical chat logs, and short prose flash fiction which I refer to as “prosies” because I’m lame and it’s the fastest way to say what I’m writing when I’m working on them. Each chat log is posted with prosies that follow the events of the showcased chat, featuring each of the characters who participated. For now, there is a “round” comprised of five chats, mixing up conversing pairs so that there are five chats and ten characters in each round. This may change later.

Nature of the story: Currently a bit of a mystery. I have plenty of plans, but I don’t wish to divulge them, although I will say that big things start happening as early as Round 3. But I’ll try to sum things up as they look right now.

Ten online friends pass comment over their lives, relationships with one another, and strange things happening around them. Some of them are actively involved in these strange happenings, while the passive others must awaken to them, either through chance or the interference of active friends. What these strange happenings lead up to remains to be seen.

You can find the relevant posts by clicking “The Roar of Our Stars” in the Tag Cloud on the right side of the blog.

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