Back to game-writing

And the first thing I run into is a topic that I have brought up before–that of the repetitive nature of much of writing video games. As before, I have been stuck on finishing the myriad ways of accepting and rejecting a quest from the wizard Arthur. As he is a possible love interest, there are quite a few ways to run through his dialogue.

He is fun to write, but I ended up just copying and re-using his actual missive about the items that the player is asked to fetch for him. It’s just a list of items, and I really didn’t want to come up with several ways for the ponce to ask you to get him fox bonemeal, a new candle, and a smelly mushroom.

My favourite thing about Arthur, though, is that Callo takes an immediate dislike to him.



The quests for the other two wizards have been done for some time now. This one is all set up now, but the hard part has come up at last. I have to figure out how to make a failing condition for Arthur’s quest. He insists that none of the items can be replaced by cheaper substitutes.

We have a few ideas of how to make this more interesting than BioWare would (yes, I am looking at you, bearded tongue grass), but I think I’m still a bit stuck on the mechanics. More on that tomorrow, probably. Hopefully I’m through with being stuck. Though that is still dependant on how sick I get. Less than sixty days until my due date.

EDIT: Curse my own imperfection. I just noticed the typo in the second screenshot. (it went from “there’re” to “there are” so that’s how that happened) I’ll leave it. I’m not afraid of people knowing I’m a little dumb. It is fixed in-game, though.

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